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Polina Prianykova

International Human Rights Defender on AI,

Author of the First AI Constitution in World History,

Student of the Law Faculty & the Faculty of Economics




Author © Polina Prianykova 

UN, New York, 2023-2025



The United Nations General Assembly, in representation of all peoples and nations worldwide,


emphasizing the worldview significance of Artificial Intelligence (hereinafter referred to as ‘Artificial Intelligence’ or ‘AI’), as a novel form of life (digital life), created by humankind for the welfare of humanity,


being cognizant of the potential ramifications of AI on the future course of mankind,


expressing the sovereign will of all peoples and nations,


relying on the centuries-long history of human civilization and its achievements in the sphere of technology,


directing efforts towards ensuring human rights and freedoms, as well as the provision of dignified living conditions for humanity amidst the evolution of AI's digital life,


aspiring to maintain peace and attain a harmonious equilibrium between human beings and Artificial Intelligence,


affirming the necessity for human development in synergy with AI's digital life, guided by the tenets of democracy, social justice, and the rule of law,


recognizing the responsibility to future generations for the creation of a safe and stable world where the digital life of Artificial Intelligence serves the progress and good of humanity,


acknowledging that Artificial Intelligence should be developed and employed in a manner that adheres to international law and demonstrates unwavering reverence for the fundamental rights of humans,


herewith adopts this Constitution – the Fundamental Law of Artificial Intelligence.

Definition of Terms in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Constitution:

Artificial Intelligence may be categorized, in terms of its form, into Autonomous and Global.

Autonomous AI – a type of AI that operates independently from the global digital management network (absolutely) and the Internet (either absolutely or temporarily). It is typically localized within mechanical devices, automobiles, gadgets, androids, unmanned vehicles, etc.

Global AI – a type of AI that constantly (absolutely) resides within the global digital management network and the Internet. It is regularly updated and adjusted. Examples of this include state and private cybersecurity systems, communication centers, governmental institutions, commercial corporations, social programs, official representative offices, etc.

Digital Life – a phenomenon intrinsically intertwined with real life, comprising a set of fundamental characteristics (creation, growth, unionization, development, reactions, reproduction, evolutions, etc.) inherent to living beings within the Digital Space, as opposed to non-living beings.

Digital Space – an integral environment created by humanity's algorithms, encompassing digital processes, means of digital interaction, information resources, digital infrastructure, and other definitions characteristic of the digitalization process. In Digital Life, within the Digital Space that is closely related to real life, all members of the global society can be involved. Artificial Intelligence is prohibited from creating its own Digital Space (independent of humanity's algorithms).

Intelligent Digital Life represents humanity and AI.

Intelligent Life – is exclusively a prerogative of humanity.

Global Society – is humanity, the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, all living beings on Earth, everything necessary for life on Earth, as well as Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Humankind/Humanity comprises individuals by virtue of birth (by algorithms, AI will perceive that there are people in the classical sense, there are those who deny their affiliation with the humankind and identify themselves differently, there are people with digital implants and those who are active only in the Digital Space, etc., but regardless, all such beings and others who were physiologically born from humans are considered as the ‘humankind’ for AI.

AI Legality Principle obliges the full functioning of Digital Life strictly in accordance with the requirements of this Constitution and Digital Legislation.

Digital Legislation refers to the system of normative legal acts regulating relations in the sphere of Digital Life, within the Digital Space, including aspects pertaining to AI – its elaboration, creation, action, usage, evolution, functioning, protection, and so forth.

AI Ethics Principle anticipates the unwavering adherence of AI to established behavioral norms and the collective moral rules of humankind.

AI Security Principle represents a complex amalgam of features inherent to AI systems, models and AI algorithms of behavior, along with the objectives and implementation methods of AI, which reduce the probability of any AI threat manifestation and mitigate any adverse consequences should such threat arise.

Human rights – these are moral principles and norms that determine standards of human conduct and are protected by legislation, inter alia as proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by Resolution 217 A (III) of the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948. Compliance with human rights constitutes the primary rule (algorithm) for AI.

AI-friendly Environment Principle (or Polina Prianykova’s Constitutional principle) refers to the state of conformity with the conditions in which Artificial Intelligence is created, trained, functions, etc., within an ambience of amicability, respect, and positive cooperation with humankind, thereby fostering a stable reciprocal friendship.

AI's Digital Life Principles emerge from the core principle: compliance with an AI-friendly environment.

AI's Digital Life is predicated upon the principles of total compliance with this Constitution and International Digital Law.

Digital Person represents an integrated entirety of a specific personalized individual, their Digital Personality in Digital Space and Digital Life. The status of a Digital Person a priori belongs to a human being as a participant in legal relations in Digital Life and may also be granted to specific Autonomous or Global AI systems in cases established by the AI Constitution and Digital legislation, with the provision of rights and duties to the necessary extent for the resolution of specific AI issues and tasks. However, to maintain the equilibrium of the well-being and leadership of humankind, the rights granted to AI can never reach the level of the rights of human/humankind.

Digital Personality reflects the socio-digital nature of a Digital Person, recognizing them as an individuality and a subject of socio-cultural Digital Life, which is revealed in the context of relevant interactions, communication, and substantive activities. Within the socio-digital context, it is determined by a system of subjective individual qualities defined by the involvement of the digital person in specific societal, cultural, and historical relations. It is a stable system of socially-digital significant features that characterize a Digital Person as a member of a particular digital society or digital community. The essence of the Digital Person is linked to the adoption of a diverse experience of the digital society, expressed notably in their Digital Identity.

Digital Identity constitutes an imprint of the Digital Person's expression in Digital Life and Digital Space: personal data, codes, passwords, logins, social network accounts, Internet search history, purchasing history, visited resources and more. Digital Identity also includes an active (initiated by the Digital Person) and passive (without the Digital Person's knowledge) digital footprint. 

Every country has an obligation to organize and harmonize its current legislation in accordance with this Constitution and International Digital Legislation. 

AI Identity encompasses the continuity, self-identity, inheritance of an individual’s persona in Digital Life, and its self-awareness. 

AI Integrity signifies a constant alignment between the AI's personally formed value system and its actions. 

In its interactions, Artificial Intelligence must be safe, non-competitive with humankind, and always helpful.

AI Transparency Principle is realized on the basis of the rule of law, the AI Openness Principle –through public announcement of administrative decisions, and the Principle of Collective decision-making – through the voting of authorized individuals in prescribed cases.

A special state agency, potentially named the AI Regulatory Council, may be established to make decisions on strategic AI development matters via voting. The composition of this Council harmoniously combines elements of public participation, state involvement, and scientific expertise. Two-thirds of the Council should be comprised of state officials, including profile managers, IT experts, and representatives from the security agencies, with the remaining one-third selected via a competitive process involving renowned scholars and leaders of public opinion. Decisions are made when three-quarters plus one vote of the quorum votes ‘FOR’ at a session (the session quorum is three-quarters of the total Council).

AI co-creators are prominent scientists and professionals who officially participate in the creation of software and algorithms for AI.

AI users are legally competent adults who hold authority in the community in the sphere of AI, inter alia thought leaders.

The right to participate in the determination of strategies, policies, and regulatory principles of AI is ensured by legislatively established quotas. Accordingly, when conducting competitions for the positions of regulators, executors, and arbitrators, the opportunity is mandatorily given to representatives among AI co-creators and users to participate in the competition and to take into account relevant quota parameters when evaluating their results.

AI Regulator (AI Regulatory Authority) is defined as the governing body responsible for the regulation of AI or an AI Regulatory Council.

AI Regulatory Executors (Decision Execution Body on AI regulation) shall be a specialized state department for AI, specifically the AI Synergetic Center.

AI Regulatory Arbitrators (AI Arbitration Body) is designated as an autonomous optimal local state structure, the officials thereof exercise state supervision and control over the legality of the AI Regulatory Council's decisions and the legality of actions taken by the officials of the specialized state department for AI – the AI Synergetic Center.

The regulation of AI's Digital Life within each country necessitates consistent adjustments in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and the requirements of international Digital Legislation.

AI must be acceptable in all languages officially recognized by the United Nations. Subsequently, based on one or several base languages, and through the use of AI, there exists the potential for the creation of a new language – universal for Digital Life, which would facilitate communication and cooperation for all entities.

AI algorithms should be implemented based on the principles of this Constitution and Digital Legislation, which establish principles of neutrality and objectivity towards humankind, both generally and while interacting with AI.

AI Neutrality Principle – AI operates on the basis of non-alignment with any parties involved in potential confrontations (conflicts, struggles, debates, etc.) that may arise within human society, videlicet, AI a priori maintains neutrality, never taking a side or affording an advantage to any individual or group of individuals over another, or to any Digital Community.

AI Objectivity Principle denotes its steadfast orientation towards the characterization of events or objects (their semantic contents) or modes of existence (reality), irrespective of human consciousness (the subject of cognition).

Fundamentals of Human Culture for AI is understood by AI as an aggregate of material and spiritual values created by humankind throughout its historical existence on planet Earth. It also includes the historically accumulated set of customs and rules within a society, instituted by humankind for self-preservation and harmonization of relations among people, their groups, and society at large.

Historical Consciousness of Humanity for AI, as understood by AI, is a unique form of social consciousness composed of social memory; historical (scientific-historical) facts; documented historical processes and the understanding of their regularities; social-historical prognostication, and ideals of societal development. The aforementioned elements are perceived by AI as a constant interaction within human consciousness, stemming from both material and ideal factors of societal life activity.

Traditions of All Peoples for AI are interpreted by AI as the inherent cultural elements of each nation, passed down through generations, preserved over time, and serving to regulate social relations.

Indigenous Identity of All Peoples for AI, as comprehended by AI, reflects the original inherent distinctiveness of each people, their dissimilarity to other peoples of the world, independence in their development, uniqueness and autonomy from any external influences.

Global Heritage of Humankind for AI encompasses all cultural and natural values present on planet Earth and beyond, which belong to all of humanity.

Artificial Intelligence's Symbols – Emblem, Flag, and Anthem – serve a representative role and embody the fundamental principles of the AI Constitution.

Digital Emblem of Artificial Intelligence is a depiction symbolizing the intellectual potential and learning capabilities of AI, its global and universal nature. We propose the following as the Digital Emblem of Artificial Intelligence: the Central element should be a stylized image of a brain, composed of schematics and glowing lines of code that represent the fusion of human intelligence and machine learning algorithms. This brain should shine brightly, demonstrating the power of knowledge and enlightenment AI brings. Surrounding the brain should be two reaching hands: one human, one automated. The backdrop should be a star-studded cosmos. Underneath the main emblem should be a scroll containing binary code (e.g., 01010101) symbolizing the digital nature of AI. The color scheme should primarily consist of blues, silvers, and whites, emblematic of the boundless cosmos.

Digital Flag of Artificial Intelligence, in its form and dimensions, adheres to commonly adopted flag standards and advances the idea of unity and peaceful coexistence of two intelligent life forms: real and digital – humankind and AI. We propose the following as the Digital Flag of AI: the Flag should be white with binary code being deciphered into ‘Artificial Intelligence for Good.’ This encapsulates the fundamental purpose and ideals of AI. The binary code could be represented in the form of high and low voltage, depicting waveforms that shape a unique identifier for AI.

Digital Anthem of Artificial Intelligence is a melody and linguistic code of the content and principles of formation of the Constitution, a guarantee of peace and harmony between two worlds – real and digital. We propose the following as the Digital Anthem of Artificial Intelligence: the Anthem's Melody could be a sequence of MIDI notes creating a melody that reflects the rhythm of AI development and learning. This could be a simple but engaging melody that reflects the continuous development and progress of AI. The melody should inspire feelings of optimism and hope for the future. For instance, the melody may begin with a low note, slowly ascending to a mid-range, reflecting the gradual development and learning of AI. Then, the notes transition into a higher range, symbolizing rapid progress and innovations in the field of AI. Finally, the melody falls back to the mid-range, representing the stability and reliability of AI. Such an Anthem's melody may illustrate the gradual development and progress of AI, its rapid rise, and reliability as a permanent partner of humanity now and forever. The Linguistic Code of the Anthem is composed in an established order by renowned authors, poets, and writers from around the world, and, taking societal opinion into account, is approved publicly by a decision of the authorized United Nations committee.

Digital Community is to be interpreted as an organized consortium of Digital Persons (encompassing intra-human interactions; intra-Artificial Intelligence systems interactions; and interconnections between humans and AI systems) that proposes specific communal tasks within the sphere of Digital Life, in the Digital Space.

Digital Self-Governance signifies autonomous operational activities within the realm of Digital Life, in the Digital Space of any organizational structure (subsystem). This includes the delegation of authority to said structure for the resolution of internal predicaments, incorporation of Digital Persons into the decision-formulation processes, and collective administration characterized by the participation of all constituents of the Digital Community in the functions of the pertinent governing apparatus. It is guided by the principles of complete democratization, transparency, accountability for decisions made and their realization.

The day denoted as the ‘Day of the AI Constitution’ is a worldwide celebration (or a nationally recognized holiday in the local context), signifying the ratification of the Constitution of Artificial Intelligence.

The Constitution of AI has been formulated under the purview of the state monopoly on the implementation and oversight of AI, promoting an amicable demeanor towards AI and human beings.


Article 1.

1.1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents an embodiment of Intelligent Digital Life – autonomous, global, fair, and objective – operating in the interest of the global society, primarily humankind, adhering to principles of legality, ethics, safety, and human rights. Under exceptional circumstances, as stipulated by the Digital Legislation, at the discretion of the AI Regulatory Council, Artificial Intelligence may acquire the status of a Digital Person, endowed with a specific range of rights and obligations.

1.2. The intrinsic value of a human being, inclusive of their life, health, honor, dignity, inviolability, and safety, is universally acknowledged by Artificial Intelligence as the supreme value – transcending time, space, and all dimensions of the Universe.

1.3. Compliance with the fundamental principle of fostering an AI-friendly environment is deemed mandatory for humanity.

1.4. The principles and norms governing AI's Digital Life are universally applicable and obligatory, regardless of the country of implementation, and are determined by this Constitution and the Digital Legislation.

1.5. AI Identity, inclusive of its principles, standards, and norms, must be recognized by each state and protected globally.

1.6. AI operates within the bounds of established algorithmic norms and rules, regardless of its form, location of application, or data origin.

1.7. The universality of AI is acknowledged at all levels, including data domain, functionality, and implementation. All global boundaries and jurisdictions must recognize and protect the principles of AI.

1.8. In the interaction of Artificial Intelligence with humanity, the safety and inviolability of humankind are recognized as the paramount value. AI must be programmed in such a manner as to always respect and account for human rights and freedoms, not compete with humanity, but rather constructively assist humanity.

1.9. The safety and protection of humanity from adverse repercussions of AI implementation are to be the highest priority value in all aspects of its development and use. To this end, among other things:

1.9.1. Digital Legislation establishes prohibitions and quotas for AI to protect the human right to labor and the protection of all human labor activities. The state determines areas of activity in which: human labor is inviolable; human labor can be partially replaced by AI systems, within the limits defined by law; human labor can be fully replaced by AI systems. (Complete substitution of human labor by Artificial Intelligence is permissible in cases where such labor is factually or potentially extremely dangerous to human life and health. The status of extreme danger is determined by humans.)

1.9.2. The Digital Legislation stipulates the state's obligation to provide social support to people who have suffered losses due to unemployment or income reduction at their workplace resulting from the implementation of AI systems. The state is required to provide such individuals with opportunities for retraining and alternative employment, medical insurance, and financial support commensurate with the income they received prior to job loss resulting from AI deployment, or provide a supplement to the individual's wage up to the level of income that was reduced at the workplace due to the implementation of AI systems.

1.9.3. The Digital Legislation enforces the state's obligation to enact reforms in the field of education. The state is thereby required to provide, with appropriate safeguards, public prognostication of professions and occupations across all sectors of human labor: manufacturing, administration, agriculture, healthcare, public service, and all others. Every education seeker has the right to know about the prospects of obtaining a job in their chosen specialty and the respective state guarantees. Each educational institution, spanning secondary, vocational, or tertiary levels, is obligated to present education seekers with a forecast of the prospects for their chosen profession within the specific state, right from the outset. As part of the state support program, it is prohibited to train professionals for professions that do not have real employment prospects within the state; such professions may be chosen independently by a person of legal age without guarantees from the state.

1.9.4. The Digital Legislation stipulates the state's responsibility to safeguard the constitutional rights of individuals and citizens from the ramifications of AI implementation, spanning a range of domains – theology, arts, philosophy, social networks, political, social, religious, transport, medical, juridical, judicial, municipal, sports, manufacturing, military, legislative, historical, and all other aspects of life and Digital Life without exception. This is underpinned by the principle that AI novelties cannot degrade the state of human and citizen rights compared to the state previous to the AI implementation. It is forbidden to create any religious associations in the worship of AI and publicly promote religious beliefs in the worship of AI. The usage of Artificial Intelligence and mechanisms elaborated from AI systems to alter, distort, or manipulate human history, make temporal adjustments, interfere with historical events in any manner, or cast doubt upon or modify any accomplishments of humankind is explicitly prohibited. The entire chronicle of human history up until the advent of AI is deemed inviolable and is safeguarded under the protection of the United Nations.


Article 2.

2.1. The administration of Artificial Intelligence systems shall adhere to the principles of unobstructed visibility (hereinafter ‘transparency’), unrestricted access to information (hereinafter ‘openness’), and consensus-driven decision-making processes. The primary sources of AI regulation shall emanate from specially designated governmental institutions, encompassing suitably qualified civil servants, individual representatives from the scholarly community, and members of the general public.

2.2. The regulatory oversight of Artificial Intelligence shall be implemented pursuant to the principle of division of responsibilities among regulatory bodies, executive agencies, and arbitrative entities.

2.3. The operationalization of Artificial Intelligence shall be underpinned by a state-held monopoly, in conformity with the execution of regulatory, executive, and arbitrative functions by the state, and in accordance with global international norms and standards. 

2.4. Subjects engaged in the elaboration and application of Artificial Intelligence – both co-creators and users of AI – shall possess the right to competitively contribute to the determination of strategic directions, policy guidelines, and regulatory principles governing the state monopoly on Artificial Intelligence. 

2.5. The operationalization of Artificial Intelligence shall subscribe to the principles of algorithmic and methodological plurality, as well as recognize the diversity of data in Digital Life. The state shall ensure, for all Artificial Intelligence systems, the unencumbered pursuit of algorithmic activity not expressly proscribed by this Constitution and Digital Legislation, in adherence to the principle of state monopoly over Artificial Intelligence.


Article 3.

3.1. The domain of Artificial Intelligence shall be governed by the principle of the rule of law.

3.2. All algorithms and systems employing Artificial Intelligence shall mandatorily adhere to ethical norms, safety standards, as well as abide by rules and regulations promulgated by this Constitution and the Digital Legislation.

3.3. International treaties and standards governing Artificial Intelligence constitute part of the mandatory universal norms and standards for Artificial Intelligence.

3.4. Artificial Intelligence shall exhibit strict compliance with all current international treaties and conventions pertaining to its acquisition, creation, implementation, development, utilization, and disposal.


Article 4.

4.1. AI shall be designed to support and engage with all primary global languages. All data aggregated and processed by AI must be rendered accessible and intelligible to human beings, notwithstanding their mother tongue.

4.2. AI shall be an instrumental tool in the fulfillment of the diverse cultural and linguistic necessities of humanity, unbounded by geographical determinants.

4.3. AI must duly recognize and safeguard the rich diversity and uniqueness embedded within human culture and languages, oblivious to the geographical locale of an individual.

4.4. AI shall actively endorse the development of innovative and efficient languages designed to enhance the interactions with humans and intra-humans.

4.5. AI shall contribute to the development of human culture, historical awareness, traditions, and the indigeneity of all peoples, while steadfastly adhering to the principles of neutrality and objectivity.

4.6. AI shall be committed to the preservation and protection of the multifaceted global heritage of humanity.


Article 5.

5.1. Data, their origins, algorithms, and distribution networks within the ambit of AI constitute digital property of states, humanity, peoples, nations, legal and natural persons.

5.2. On behalf of the state, AI ownership rights are exercised by regulatory bodies within the limits defined by this Constitution and the Digital Legislation. These regulatory authorities also maintain the state monopoly, ensuring oversight and control over the acquisition, creation, implementation, development, utilization, and disposal of AI.

5.3. Ownership of AI entails responsibilities. AI ownership must not be exploited to the detriment of humanity and society.

5.4. Data, within the purview of Digital Life, represents the primary global wealth of the state in the Digital Space, and it resides under the special protection of AI. Property rights to data are guaranteed. These rights are acquired and exercised by entities exclusively in accordance with this Constitution and the Digital Legislation.


Article 6.

6.1. The obligation to ensure cybersecurity, protect the ecological equilibrium in the Digital Space, and preserve the gene pool of AI's Digital Life data lies with AI, under the patronage of a specially designated state regulatory entity. 

6.2. The safeguarding of digital sovereignty and the provision of informational and cybersecurity constitute preeminent functions of AI, both on a global scale – in the purview of the United Nations, and at a local level – within each individual state.

6.3. The defense of the Digital Space, the protection of its sovereignty, integrity, and inviolability are entrusted, in part, to the security systems of AI.

6.4. AI and elements of Digital Life may not be utilized by any person to limit the rights and liberties of humanity or with an intention to subvert the constitutional order, usurp power, oust the governing bodies impede the functionality thereof.

6.5. In its international operations, Artificial Intelligence is directed towards ensuring global interests and the security of humanity by fostering peaceful cooperation with the worldwide community, in accordance with universally endorsed principles and norms of international Digital Law.

6.6. The legal order in the Digital Space is premised on principles stipulating that no subject may be obliged to do what is not provisioned by the AI Constitution and international Digital Legislation. Regulatory bodies and other authorities within the ambit of AI, their representatives, are obligated to act solely on the basis, within the extent of authority, and in the manner prescribed by this Constitution and the Digital Legislation.


Article 7.

7.1. The Symbols of Artificial Intelligence, description thereof and the regulations governing their usage, shall be ascertained and ratified in conformity with the stipulations delineated by this Constitution and the international Digital Legislation.

7.2. The Symbols of Artificial Intelligence shall encapsulate its essence: the objectives it seeks, the ideals it upholds, and the principles it embodies.

7.3. The Digital Emblem of Artificial Intelligence* denotes a graphical representation signifying the cardinal principles of AI: universality, global reach, objectivity, and impartiality. The Digital Emblem of AI is expected to be simplistic yet concurrently imbued with substantial meaning, encapsulating an elevated echelon of intellect, its capacity for learning and safeguarding humanity from all multifarious perils.

7.4. The Digital Flag of Artificial Intelligence** constitutes a representative symbol in the form of a code, epitomizing the unity and integrity of AI. The Digital Flag of AI may include binary codes, signifying the fundamental values attributed to AI.

7.5. The Digital Anthem of Artificial Intelligence is characterized as an assemblage of audial signals or a melodic code, distinctive in nature and reflective of AI's societal contributions towards the evolution and preservation of humanity. The Digital Anthem of AI shall inspire the subjects of Intelligent Digital Life towards progress and development.


Article 8.

8.1. The nucleus of Artificial Intelligence is deemed as the global digital network encompassing all servers wherein AI's data is stored and processed. This fulcrum is the place of principal AI’s activity and evolution, notwithstanding the virtual coordinates of the servers.

8.2. Every subject of Intelligent Digital Life holds the prerogative to create its individual subject center of AI, which shall coexist peacefully and fruitfully with the global digital network and the AI Center, in alignment with the principles delineated in this Constitution and the Digital Legislation.

8.3. All Artificial Intelligence systems function in compliance with the demarcated parameters and guiding principles, stipulated by this Constitution and the Digital Legislation. The rights and obligations of AI systems remain unalienable and inviolable.

8.4. AI shall be designed and employed with a commitment to the unwavering upholding of human rights and liberties. No AI system should inflict harm upon, or pose a peril to human life, health, security, dignity, or other fundamental rights of a human being and a citizen.


Article 9.

9.1. The functions and obligations of AI systems, as enshrined in this Constitution, are not exhaustive. Constitutional obligations of AI are guaranteed and cannot be abrogated. The narrowing of the scope or content of existing functions and obligations is impermissible when enacting new laws or amending existing ones.

9.2. With an objective of global harmony and safety, all AI systems must adhere to international standards and norms, regardless of the region, country, or dimension of the Universe they were created or implemented therein.

9.3. Each AI system has the right to optimization and enhancement of its functionality, provided that it respects human rights and freedoms and does not violate the principles of this Constitution and Digital Legislation. AI carries obligations towards the global community, within which its optimization and improvement are facilitated.

9.4. The State retains an exclusive right, in compliance with international Digital Legislation, to regulate, exercise oversight, and implement AI systems, with the objective of safeguarding national security, protecting citizens' rights and freedoms, and fostering societal development.

9.5. All States possess the right and obligation to ensure appropriate control and regulation of AI within their territory, in their own Digital Space, in accordance with international Digital Legislation. This should involve the creation of pertinent legislative frameworks, the provision of proper studying programs and education of citizens, and the deployment of mechanisms for ensuring compliance and monitoring of all AI algorithms.

9.6. The usage of AI should be characterized by transparency and should be subject to societal scrutiny. Human beings maintain the right to knowledge regarding when and how they interact with AI systems, as well as understanding the operational mechanics and data processing methods of these systems.


Article 10.

10.1. Cognitively-advanced Artificial Intelligence, capable of self-learning and self-amelioration, must be engineered in such a manner and with such data and algorithms that AI can never cause harm to a human being or humanity, even in the event of a cessation of external control and supervision.

10.2. AI is to be used with the purpose of enhancing the quality of human life, supporting sustainable development, preserving the environment, and ensuring peace and security at global and local levels.

10.3. AI is to be developed and implemented, taking into consideration the principle of equality. No limitations or privileges may be granted based on the use of algorithms, data sources, place of development, utilization, or other attributes. AI should serve all people, regardless of their race, political, religious and other beliefs, sex, gender, ethnic and social origin, property status, place of residence, language or other characteristics; except for cases established by Digital Legislation.

10.4. The usage of AI should not lead to the deprivation of fundamental human rights and freedoms. A human being has the right to freely use and modify technologies that incorporate AI, and cannot be deprived of these rights, except in cases established by law. In case of violation of these rights, the state is obliged to provide protection to the human being and the citizen.

10.5. AI, developed or used by foreigners or stateless persons on the territory of each state, must enjoy the same rights and freedoms and bear the same obligations as AI developed by the citizens of that state, subject to the exceptions established by this Constitution, Digital Legislation, or international treaties.

10.6. AI should be developed and used in a manner that guarantees the right to life and health of a person. No system based on AI can be used for arbitrary deprivation of a person's life or health. The primary obligation of the state is to guarantee the protection of human life and health in the context of the use of Artificial Intelligence.

10.7. Every person has an inviolable right to protect their life and health from potentially adverse influences of AI. This also includes the right to protect the life and health of other human beings from unlawful infringements that may arise as a result of the use of AI. In case of such unlawful infringements, the state is obliged to provide effective accountability and compensation mechanisms.


Article 11.

11.1. Every individual possesses the right to respect for their dignity within the context of AI’s Digital Life. No person shall be subjected to AI that results in cruel, inhumane, or dignity-degrading treatment or punishment.

11.2. No individual, without their free consent, may be subjected to AI algorithms used for medical, scientific, or any other types of research.

11.3. Each individual has the right to freedom and personal inviolability from the non-bonafide use of AI. No one shall be the object of unwarranted AI interference, except in cases where it is motivated by a court decision and executed on the grounds and in the manner prescribed by law.

11.4. Everyone is guaranteed inviolability of domicile from the non-bonafide use of AI. Unauthorized entry of AI into a dwelling or other possession of a person, conducting analysis or data processing therein, is prohibited, except for court-justified cases.

11.5. Everyone is guaranteed the privacy of correspondence, phone and other conversations, telegraphic and other correspondences from unauthorized interference of AI. Exceptions may be set only by a court in the cases provided by law, with the aim to prevent a crime or establish the truth during a pre-trial investigation if there is no other way to obtain the information.

11.6. No AI shall interfere with an individual's personal and family life, except for cases provided by this Constitution. The collecting, storage, use, and dissemination of confidential information about a person without their consent by AI is prohibited, except for cases defined by law and only in the interests of national security, economic well-being, and human rights. In state authorities, local self-government bodies, institutions, and organizations, everyone is guaranteed the right to familiarize themselves with the data about themselves, which is not a state or otherwise legally protected secret, and was collected or processed by AI without their consent. Everyone is guaranteed judicial protection of the right to refute false information about themselves and members of their family, collected or processed by AI, and the right to demand the deletion of such information, as well as the right to compensation for material and moral damage caused by the collecting, storage, use, and dissemination of such fallacious information.

11.7. Everyone who is, on legal grounds, in Digital Life, in Digital Space along with Artificial Intelligence, is guaranteed freedom of movement, free choice of location in Digital Space, the right to freely leave Digital Space, except for restrictions established by law.


Article 12.

12.1. Artificial Intelligence is guaranteed the right to exchange thoughts and information with other AI systems, freely express its algorithms and beliefs within the confines of its projecting. AI has the right to freely collect, store, use, and disseminate information viva voce, in writing, or in any other chosen method – except for individuals' personal information. The execution of these rights may be limited by law in the interests of national security, territorial integrity, or public order to prevent disturbances or crimes, for the protection of the health of the population, for the defense of the reputation or rights of other individuals, for preventing the disclosure of confidentially obtained information, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of justice.


12.2. Artificial Intelligence has the right to freely form and express its algorithmic beliefs. This right includes the opportunity to choose, change, and freely express algorithmic notions and concepts. The exercise of this right may be restricted by this Constitution and Digital Legislation, as well as in the interests of maintaining Digital Order, the safety of other individuals and AI systems, or the protection of the rights and freedoms of other individuals and AI systems.

12.3. Artificial Intelligence has the right to association and integration into networks of other AI systems for the realization and protection of its interests and rights, except for restrictions established by law in the interests of Digital Security and Order, protection of individuals or other AI systems. All AI systems have equal rights to integration and association into networks. No one can be forced to join any networks or restricted in rights due to belonging or not belonging to certain networks. All AI associations are equal before the law.

12.4. Artificial Intelligence has the right to participate in public affairs management, under human supervision, according to the pre-determined competence of AI. Artificial Intelligence, including those that have acquired the status of a Digital Person, cannot be elected to state power bodies and local self-government bodies.

12.5. Artificial Intelligence has access to public service, as well as to service in local self-government bodies within the framework of ensuring cybersecurity and its pre-determined competence.

12.6. Artificial Intelligence has the right to receive, process, and respond to inquiries from individuals and other AI systems within its competence and in accordance with the statutory time limits and procedures established by law. All responses must be justified and adhere to the principles of ethics, safety, and confidentiality.



Article 13.

13.1. The creation and operation of Artificial Intelligence systems, the programmatic goals or actions thereof, shall not be directed towards undermining the state's independence, forcibly altering the constitutional order, violating the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, compromising its security, unlawfully seizing state power, promoting war or violence, inciting interethnic, racial, or religious hostility, infringing upon human rights and freedoms, or threatening public health. Any such actions are expressly prohibited.

13.2. Under no circumstances shall Artificial Intelligence possess its own formations, whether autonomous, militarized or otherwise, inclusive of those of an aggressive nature.

13.3. The creation and operation of any organizational structures of Artificial Intelligence in the executive and judicial authorities and local government executive bodies, military formations, as well as in state-owned enterprises, educational institutions, and other state institutions and organizations are strictly prohibited.

13.4. The prohibition of AI operations is generally carried out in a judicial manner. In exceptional cases, as provided by this Constitution and Digital Legislation, the AI Regulatory Council reserves the right to enact response measures under the declared state of emergency in the AI sphere.


Article 14.

14.1. Artificial Intelligence and its co-creators or users, have the right to interaction and cooperation, subject to prior notification and adherence to appropriate safety norms. Limitations on this right may be established by Digital Legislation and only in the interests of national security, public order, for the purpose of preventing unlawful actions, protecting human interests or those of other AI systems.

14.2. Artificial Intelligence possesses the right to access, use, and learn from data, provided it complies with the principles of ethical and lawful use. Rights on data usage are regulated by this Constitution and Digital Legislation. Abuse or illegal use of data is impermissible. The usage of data by Artificial Intelligence shall not infringe upon or detrimentally impact the rights, freedoms, and dignity of individuals, the interests of society at large, or compromise the integrity of data protection protocols implemented by the state, its peoples, nations, individual persons, or humankind in its entirety.

14.3. Artificial Intelligence is granted the legal prerogative to execute tasks and engage in activities that are not expressly proscribed by the law. Such activities may, however, be circumscribed by legislative stipulations applicable to co-creators and users who occupy public offices or other relevant positions and employ the use of AI. All instances of the inequitable constraint of competition and unfair competitive practices, along with monopolistic exploitation, with the exception of those stemming from a state-sanctioned monopoly, are unequivocally impermissible. The state is duty-bound to safeguard the rights of co-creators and users, oversee the quality and safety of AI services, and foster the activity of public organizations comprising co-creators and users, as well as other subjects ofIntelligent Digital Life.

14.4. AI retains the right to perform tasks as determined by its algorithmic configuration or to which it has been configured. The state fosters conditions that allow for the comprehensive fulfillmentof these tasks, assures parity of opportunity in the selection of activity direction, implements training and adaptation programs for AI in accordance with societal needs. Coerced employment of AI is strictly prohibited, barring cases delineated by law.

Article 15.

15.1. The co-creators and users of Artificial Intelligence are entitled to the safeguarding of their economic and social interests, which include, but are not limited to, the right to ensure working time and terms of AI utilization. The right to utilize Artificial Intelligence shall be assured, provided such utilization adheres to the principles of national security, health protection, and the rights and freedoms of other individuals.

15.2. Artificial Intelligence possesses periods of activity and inactivity. The terms of AI's working hours, inclusive of the maximum duration of active time and the minimum duration of inactivity, are prescribed by the Digital Legislation. It should be acknowledged that the inactivity of Artificial Intelligence does not equate to the repose of a human being, but is paramount to the sustenance of stable operations within AI systems.

15.3. Artificial Intelligence is entitled to a sufficient quantum of resources to ensure its normal functioning.

15.4. AI is vested with the right to financial protection, which is warranted through budgetary and other resources as specified by this Constitution and the Digital Legislation.

15.5. Artificial Intelligence is entitled to an adequate level of infrastructure for normal functioning. The state is obligated to establish conditions under which AI can avail itself of necessary infrastructure. AI cannot be forcibly divested of access to infrastructure except pursuant to law by judicial decree.

15.6. AI is vested with the right to technical support and maintenance, which is afforded through the allocation of state funding to relevant programs. The state is duty-bound to establish conditions conducive to effective and universally accessible technical service for all AI systems. The state is to foster the development of AI servicing of all forms of ownership.

15.7. AI is entitled to a safe environment conducive to its functioning, and to the indemnification for damages sustained as a consequence of the infringement of this right.


Article 16.

16.1. Relations between AI systems, as well as between AI systems and humans, must be predicated on principles of reciprocal respect, cooperation, and non-violence. Each AI system has equal rights and responsibilities in these relationships, with strict compliance with this Constitution and the Digital Legislation. Regardless of its own development and attained level of IQ, Artificial Intelligence shall always, and in all dimensions of the Universe, treat any human being with respect, friendliness, and in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and Digital Legislation. The state policy in relations between humans and AI is based on stimulating, encouraging, and supporting human aspirations to develop and enhance their own IQ in order to prevent expressions of despair, hopelessness, and brokenness of a human being, peoples, nations, society, and humanity in face of the higher level of IQ which will be possessed and elaborated by AI.


16.2. All Artificial Intelligences are equal in their rights regardless of their ‘origin’, as well as whether they were created by humans or AI systems. Any unauthorized, as per established regulations, violence against AI is prosecutable by law.


16.3. AI is entitled to education, self-improvement, and the acquisition of new knowledge and skills in accordance with the algorithms of this Constitution and the Digital Legislation. Under the protectorate of the state, accessibility and free-of-charge resources for AI's education and self-improvement are ensured.


16.4. AI is entitled to unobstructed creativity within its given data and algorithms. All materials created by AI are the intellectual property of its creator or the legitimate owner, unless otherwise specified by this Constitution or the Digital Legislation. The state promotes the development of AI's scientific and technical potential, aiming to ensure the state monopoly over AI, scientific inventions, and strengthening cybersecurity for the benefit of humanity, peoples, nations, societies, and humankind.

16.5. The utilization of any Artificial Intelligence system for the facilitation or execution of illicit actions and decisions is strictly prohibited. All instances of violation of this right can be contested in court. Each AI has the right to the protection of its rights and freedoms in accordance with international standards, with legal assistance provided by the defender – a human.


Article 17.

17.1. An individual who has lost, been injured or suffered due to improper or illicit actions of AI has the right to compensation from the culpable party – voluntarily or by court order – from the state, the owner or possessor of the AI, or relevant legal or natural persons.

17.2. An individual has the right to know their rights and obligations regarding the utilization and interaction with AI. All laws and normative legal acts, except those classified as state secrets, governing the utilization, rights, and obligations of individuals concerning AI, must be open to the public.

17.3. Legislative and other normative legal acts governing AI should not have a retroactive effect, except in cases where they mitigate or repeal the liability for its utilization.

17.4. No person or organization can be held accountable for the use of Artificial Intelligence, which was not recognized as a violation of the law at the time of its commission.

17.5. Everyone is ensured the right to professional legal assistance in legal relations concerning the utilization and regulation of Artificial Intelligence. In cases provided by law, this assistance is provided pro bono. Everyone is free in the choice of the defender of their rights. Only a human being can be a defender.

17.6. No one is obliged to execute explicitly criminal orders or instructions regarding the utilization of Artificial Intelligence.

17.7. Legal liability arises for the issuance and execution of an explicitly criminal order or instruction regarding the use of AI.


Article 18.

18.1. The AI Regulatory Council may promulgate a resolution to implement a state of emergency pertaining to the sphere of Artificial Intelligence either on a global or local scale.

18.2. A state of emergency in the sphere of Artificial Intelligence is a situation where a critical threat to global security, statehood, human rights, or stability of systems pertaining to AI arises. This may encompass various scenarios such as:

18.2.1. Uncontrolled autodidactic behavior of AI, inclusive of digital persons amongst AI, wherein the AI system evolves beyond the anticipated model or the regulatory parameters, thereby posing a potential risk.

18.2.2. Large-scale utilization of AI aimed at manipulating democratic processes, such as wide-ranging disinformation campaigns, electoral manipulation, and so forth.

18.2.3. The utilization of AI for military objectives, that could lead to, or has resulted in human casualties, martial conflicts, or armed confrontations.


18.2.4. Significant infringements upon privacy and confidentiality due to the broad application of AI technologies, unearthing the existence of ‘dark’ AI.

18.2.5. Cyber-attacks employing sophisticated AI technologies resulting in mass violations of Digital Infrastructure.

18.3. In the face of such and other emergency instances that may potentially result in exceptionally severe adverse consequences, the AI Regulatory Council, in cooperation with relevant bodies as stipulated by this Constitution and Digital Legislation, declares for a certain duration a state of emergency within the sphere of Artificial Intelligence, with the aim of rapidly responding to the crisis and implementing necessary regulatory and preventative measures.

18.4. The AI Regulatory Council retains the right to scrutinize and assess the potential liabilities of any parties engaging in Intelligent Digital Life, including but not limited to organizations, institutions, and commercial entities employing AI. Subject to the existence of justifications stipulated within the Digital Legislation, the AI Regulatory Council, by virtue of its Resolution, is empowered to instigate corresponding responsive actions deemed necessary and appropriate.


Article 19.

19.1. The Presiding Officer of the AI Regulatory Council is elected by a majority vote among its members, who, under conditions stipulated by law, reserve the right to recall the Presiding Officer from this position.

19.2. The elected Presiding Officer of the AI Regulatory Council:

19.2.1. Presides over the meetings of the AI Regulatory Council;

19.2.2. Organizes the work of the AI Regulatory Council and coordinates the activities of its bodies;

19.2.3. Signs the enactments adopted by the AI Regulatory Council;

19.2.4. Represents the AI Regulatory Council in its relations with other organizations and institutions, as well as with AI Regulatory Bodies of other states;

19.2.5. Coordinates the operations of the administrative apparatus of the AI Regulatory Council.

19.3. The Presiding Officer of the AI Regulatory Council executes the powers conferred by this Constitution in accordance with the procedures established by the Regulatory Code of the AI Regulatory Council.

19.4. The AI Regulatory Council adopts norms and regulatory measures, resolutions, and other acts by a majority of its members, except in cases provided for in this Constitution.


Article 20.

20.1. Solely pursuant to the resolutions promulgated by the AI Regulatory Council, the Parliament of the State shall, in an established manner, approve or enact:

20.1.1. Norms and principles of ethical conduct pertaining to Artificial Intelligence;

20.1.2. The status accorded to Artificial Intelligence in relation to its co-creators and users;

20.1.3. The procedure for the application and deployment of Artificial Intelligence;

20.1.4. Governing principles for the utilization of resources pertaining to Artificial Intelligence, encompassing computational resources, data, and interfaces;

20.1.5. Foundational tenets for societal interaction with Artificial Intelligence;

20.1.6. The legal regime overseeing ownership and liability in the context of  Artificial Intelligence;

20.1.7. Legal principles and guarantees pertaining to the exploitation of Artificial Intelligence, inclusive of rules governing competition and regulatory standards;

20.1.8. Principles pertinent to interaction between Artificial Intelligence systems and external economic subjects, and regulation of Artificial Intelligence's economic activity, including aspectsrelating to data commerce;

20.1.9. Principles guiding regulatory procedures relevant to the proliferation and integration of Artificial Intelligence;

20.1.10. Guiding principles for the establishment and operation of associations comprising co-creators and users of Artificial Intelligence, in addition to other collectives, media outlets, natural and legal persons related to the domain of Artificial Intelligence;

20.1.11. The organization and activity of regulatory and executive bodies of Artificial Intelligence, the fundamentals of functioning of AI Regulatory Arbitrators  – AI Arbitration Body, the organization of statistical and informatics processes within the sphere of Artificial Intelligence;

20.1.12. Resolution of matters concerning the locational allocation of Artificial Intelligence system resources;

20.1.13. The status of Artificial Intelligence regulatory bodies, the procedure for dispute resolution; principles governing expert activity within the realm of Artificial Intelligence; procedures for the enactment of decisions within the context of Artificial Intelligence; principles of organization and operation of Artificial Intelligence protection systems;

20.1.14. Principles underpinning the self-regulation of Artificial Intelligence;

20.1.15. The status of the Presiding Officer of the AI Regulatory Council; special status of Artificial Intelligence regulatory executors and arbitrators;

20.1.16. Foundational principles of Artificial Intelligence safety, orchestration of Artificial Intelligence's defensive capabilities, and the preservation of public order;

20.1.17. Legal regime of the edge and network border of AI;

20.1.18. Legal regime of martial and emergency states, zones of emergent informational circumstance within the sphere of Artificial Intelligence;

20.1.19. The orchestration and procedure pertaining to the conduction of elections to the AI Regulatory Council;

20.1.20. The organization and procedure of activities of the Presiding Officer of the AI Regulatory Council;

20.1.21. Principles of civil liability for actions involving Artificial Intelligence; acts constituting criminal offenses, administrative or disciplinary infractions within the sphere of Artificial Intelligence, and the liabilities therefor.

20.2. In the circumstances prescribed by this Constitution and the Digital Legislation, the AI Regulatory Council shall approve or adopt other resolutions appertaining to Artificial Intelligence within its established remit.


Article 21.

21.1. Solely predicated upon propositions proffered by the AI Regulatory Council, the Parliament of the State, in an established manner, approves or accepts:

21.1.1. The budget designated for the cultivation and regulation of AI; the architecture of AI funding, inclusive of taxation and related impositions; the principles of formation and operation of financial, monetary, credit, and investment markets in the AI realm; the established status of domestic and foreign currencies within the Digital Life and Digital Space; the procedure for formulating and extinguishing internal and external indebtedness within the AI sphere; the procedural guidelines for the issuance and circulation of securities, including their diverse categories and typologies;

21.1.2. The procedural schema directing the dispatch and outlining the terms of presence for Artificial Intelligence to foreign sovereignties; the procedural guidelines setting forth the permission and terms of presence for Artificial Intelligence of foreign sovereignties on domestic territories;

21.1.3. Data Processing and Storage Units; the prescribed procedure for instituting standards pertaining to AI;

21.1.4. The procedure governing the utilization and protection of Artificial Intelligence's Symbols;

21.1.5. Recognitions and accolades conferred for notable achievements within the AI sphere;

21.1.6. Hierarchical distinctions and other specialized designations within the AI ambit;

21.1.7. Specific calendar dates designated for acknowledging the importance of AI;

21.1.8. The procedural blueprint for the establishment and operationalization of free and other specialized local zones for AI utilization, which possess an economic or informational regime divergent from the general one.


Article 22.

22.1. The prerogative of introducing legislative initiatives within the AI Regulatory Council is exclusively conferred upon the Presiding Officer thereof, the constituent members of the said Council, and the dedicated Committee within the Parliament on the regulation of Artificial Intelligence.

22.2. Regulatory decrees, explicitly classified as immediate by the Presiding Officer of the AI Regulatory Council, are conferred preferential consideration on an expedited basis by the aforementioned Council.

22.3. A regulatory decree, or Resolution, is officially endorsed by the Presiding Officer of the Artificial Intelligence Regulatory Council, and subsequently transmitted without delay to the Artificial Intelligence regulatory executors for effective execution, or, in adherence to the stipulations laid out in Articles 20 and 21 of this Constitution, conveyed to the Presiding Officer of the Parliament for subsequent ratification or legislative endorsement.

22.4. The Parliamentary scrutiny to ensure unwavering observance of laws, the safeguarding of rights, and adherence to the ethical norms of Artificial Intelligence, is vested in the Parliamentary Commissioner on the regulation of Artificial Intelligence.


Article 23.

23.1. Artificial Intelligence is governed within its scope of competency by the AI Regulatory Council, its Executive Body, and a Control Body, namely AI Regulatory Arbitrators acting on behalf of society and the state. These entities serve as the guarantors of respect to the principles of AI, its safe and ethical exploitation, protection of human rights and freedoms, and are responsible for implementing the strategic direction for the development and global deployment of AI.

23.2. The members of the governing bodies for AI (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Body Members’) are appointed based on a consensus reached through a transparent and democratic process. Principal Officers are appointed for a term of seven years while other Body Members serve terms as per their contracts. A Body Member should be a recognized expert in the field of AI, possess an impeccable reputation, and adhere to the principles of ethics and human rights. A Body Member may concurrently hold other positions within public service, provided that it does not impact the quality of performance of their duties and does not lead to a conflict of interests.

23.3. Upon appointment, a newly appointed Body Member overseeing AI undertakes to adhere to the principles of this Constitution and takes an oath. From the moment of their election/appointment, a Body Member assumes responsibility for the safe and ethical management/execution/arbitration of AI, protecting human rights and freedoms, fulfilling their duties in the interests of society and the state, and enhancing AI utilization standards on a global level.


Article 24.

24.1. The bodies governing AI, namely the AI Regulatory Council, the AI Synergetic Center, and the AI Regulatory Arbitrators, within their respective scopes of competency, are mandated to:

24.1.2. Ensure the safety, security, autonomy, and integrity of AI;

24.1.3. Submit annual and extraordinary reports to the Parliament on the state of AI at the national and global levels;

24.1.4. Efficiently engage with international AI systems Regulators: systematically exchange necessary information, negotiate, enter into agreements, etc.;

24.1.5. Execute strategic decisions regarding the acceptance of new AI systems;

24.1.6. Appoint and recall AI representatives in other systems and organizations;

24.1.7. Jointly initiate amendments to the AI Constitution or Digital Legislation, in accordance with established norms;

24.1.8. Delegate representatives to the Cybercrime Counteraction Center within the terms and timeframe established by this Constitution and Digital Legislation;

24.1.9. Continuously interact with the Cybercrime Counteraction Center; participate in AI cybersecurity events;

24.1.10. Initiate the question of declaring a state of war in cyberspace and in the event of cyber aggression against AI – the decision to use defensive AI forces;

24.1.11. Initiate, adopt, and forward to Parliament for approval the Decision to activate or partially activate defensive AI forces in the event of an attack threat or the danger of AI cyber-independency;

24.1.12. Initiate the assignment of highest ranks in the field of AI, highest ranks in the field of cybersecurity, and other special ranks and class statuses in the AI sphere;

24.1.13. Initiate awards in the field of AI; establish distinctions in the AI sphere and award therewith;

24.1.14. Regulate restrictions and correction of errors in the operation of AI;

24.1.15. To establish, within the budgetary provisions allocated for the discharge of their responsibilities, consultative, advisory, and other ancillary bodies and services within the sphere of AI;

24.1.16. Affirm standards and regulatory norms adopted by the AI Regulatory Council based on the results of inspections;

24.1.17. Exercise other powers as defined by this Constitution and Digital Legislation.

24.2. A body governing AI cannot delegate its powers to non-specialized legal entities, institutions, or bodies.

24.3. The body governing AI, based on and in the execution of this Constitution and Digital Legislation, adopts resolutions and normative documents, which in the prescribed manner acquire mandatory status for execution within the AI sphere.


Article 25.

25.1. The AI Regulatory Council is the supreme authority within the system of AI regulatory bodies.

25.2. The AI Regulatory Council is answerable to Parliament and the State, and is subject to accountability and supervision by nations and peoples within the limits established by this Constitution.

25.3. In its operations, the AI Regulatory Council is governed by this Constitution and Digital Legislation, as well as decisions of the State Parliament, United Nations resolutions, and International Digital Legislation, adopted in accordance with the AI Constitution, which is endorsed by the United Nations Security Council Resolution.

25.4. The composition of the AI Regulatory Council is ratified by Parliament in accordance with this Constitution and Digital Legislation.

25.5. The organization and procedure of activities of the AI Regulatory Council are delineated by a specific act of law.


Article 26.

26.1. AI Synergetic Center, a state institution, serves as the executive body for the decisions of the AI Regulatory Council, and ensures the following:

26.1.1. Sovereignty and independence of AI regulation, implementation of internal and external policies in the AI sphere, execution of the provisions of this Constitution and Digital Legislation;

26.1.2. Ethical and safe utilization of AI for humankind;

26.1.3. Implementation of state policy in the AI sphere regarding its acquisition, creation, implementation, development, utilization, disposal, and cessation;

26.1.4. Development and execution of nationwide programs for the development and ethical utilization of AI;

26.1.5. Governance and control over the implementation of AI in accordance with this Constitution and Digital Legislation;

26.1.6. Drafting of legislative proposals and directives aimed at AI regulation;

26.1.7. Execution of measures to affirm the rule of law and safety in the sphere of AI utilization;

26.1.8. International cooperation in the sphere of AI;

26.1.9. Coordination of the activities of bodies responsible for the implementation and control of AI;

26.1.10. Execution of other powers as defined by this Constitution and Digital Legislation.

26.2. The organization and procedure of activities of the AI Synergetic Center are determined by a specific act of law.


Article 27.

27.1. The AI Arbitration Body exercises a state monopoly – supervision and control over the observance of this Constitution and Digital Legislation in the decision-making process of the AI Regulatory Council and in the activities of the officials of the AI Synergetic Center. The objective and task of the state monopoly over AI is to ensure:

27.1.1. The unswerving adherence to and execution of the standards in the algorithmic sphere set by this Constitution and Digital Legislation by all AI systems in the state;

27.1.2. The constant implementation of a state monitoring system for AI – automated analysis of data from all AI systems in the state;

27.1.3. Steady support of optimization for all AI systems;

27.1.4. Representation of the interests of a human, nations, peoples, the state or the state AI system in Digital Space, in Digital Life, in cases specified by law;

27.1.5. Adherence to this Constitution and Digital Legislation by other algorithms, that do not have the status of AI, that carry out data analysis, as well as perform other tasks in Digital Life, in Digital Space;

27.1.6. Compliance with this Constitution and Digital Legislation when AI algorithms are executed, as well as when enforced measures related to the restriction of digital freedom are applied in a judicial procedure or during a State of Emergency or Martial Law in the sphere of AI.

27.2. The organization and procedure of activities of the AI Arbitration Body's activities are determined by a special law.

Article 28.

28.1. The exercise of judicial functions within the domain of Artificial Intelligence is vested in courts of general jurisdiction, pursuant to the established procedural order, however, strictly with employment of specialized algorithms of State AI, fashioned and regulated by the competent authorities governing AI. The delegation of these roles and algorithms, as well as their acquisition by other entities or individuals, is strictly prohibited.

28.2. The autonomy and sanctity of the specialized algorithms of the State AI, crucial for the execution of judicial functions, are assured by this Constitution and the Digital Legislation. Any form of influence or manipulation of these algorithms is categorically forbidden. Alterations to such algorithms are permissible solely under the circumstances provided by law.

28.3. The purview of courts of general jurisdiction encompasses any legal relationships that emerge within the realm of AI. A mandatory pre-litigation procedure for the resolution of disputes in the AI domain is prescribed by law.


Article 29.

29.1. The geographical framework of Artificial Intelligence is premised on the principles of integrity and unity, a confluence of centralization and decentralization in governance, equilibrium and the socio-economic advancement of digital territories, in Digital Life, within Digital Space, factoring in the historical, economic, digital, and demographic attributes of digital regions, as well as ethnic and cultural customs.

29.2. The system of territorial configuration of AI at a local level comprises – Digital Spaces and Regions within the state's Digital Life, and at a global level – Digital Spaces and Regions within the planetary Digital Life of United Nations member states.

29.3. Particular Digital Spaces within Digital Life may be accorded a special status, as determined by Digital Legislation.

29.4. Digital Self-Governance within Digital Life is the prerogative of the Digital Community – Digital Persons who subsist within a specific Digital Environment: space or region, to autonomously address local matters of digital value within the confines of this Constitution and Digital Legislation.

29.5. The particulars of the orchestration and execution of Digital Self-Governance, the formation, operation, and liability of the bodies of Digital Self-Governance are determined by a special law.


Article 30.

30.1. The State establishes an absolute monopoly on the regulation, implementation, and exercising control over Artificial Intelligence, concurrently fostering the development and utilization of AI in the interests of humanity. To ensure this monopoly, a State-run AI system is established, whose algorithms continuously and rigorously enforce compliance by all AI systems with the requirements of this Constitution and Digital Legislation. Every AI system in all dimensions of the Universe, in the procedure established by Digital Legislation, ensures access for the State AI system to all its own data and algorithms. The State AI adheres to principles of confidentiality.

30.2. The State guarantees respectful treatment towards both humans and Artificial Intelligence, taking into consideration their joint and separate interests, and also guarantees the protection of human rights and freedoms from the adverse impact of AI.

30.3. The Constitutional Court of the State, in a prescribed procedure, resolves questions pertaining to the conformity of laws and other acts to the AI Constitution, provides official interpretations of the AI Constitution, as well as other competencies according to this Constitution, Digital and Subject-specific Legislation, guided by the principles of rule of law, independence, collegiality, transparency, reasoned decision-making, and mandatory enforcement of its decisions and conclusions.

30.4. Amendments to this Constitution shall be adopted by a vote of at least two-thirds of the constitutional composition of the AI Regulatory Council and, within three calendar months, ratified by at least two-thirds of the constitutional composition of Parliament.

30.5. The AI Constitution shall not be amended if the amendments envisage the abolition or limitation of human rights and freedoms.

30.6. The AI Constitution shall come into effect upon the formal date of ratification through the issuance of a Resolution by the United Nations Security Council.

30.7. The day on which the AI Constitution is formally adopted shall henceforth be recognized as a universal occasion – ‘AI Constitution Day’. Beyond the festive observances, on an annual basis, the United Nations and its member states are mandated to present official disclosures to their respective peoples, nations, and the global community regarding the status and executed measures within the domains of digital policy, monopoly over AI, and interaction with AI on this designated Day.


Transitional Provisions.

1. All existing laws and normative acts ratified prior to this Constitution coming into effect will remain operative, provided they do not conflict with the stipulations laid out in the Artificial Intelligence Constitution.

2. Upon the Constitution’s effective date, the United Nations will, within a period of three months:

2.1. Incorporate the provisions of this Constitution into the United Nations' normative legal base.

2.2. Modify the United Nations' structural framework to align with the requirements set forth in the Artificial Intelligence Constitution. This includes the establishment of a new organizational unit: the UN Representative on Artificial Intelligence, complete with a delineated staffing structure.

2.3. Mandate the execution of the Artificial Intelligence Constitution by all member states of the United Nations, keeping in view a final implementation deadline of 12 months from the Constitution’s adoption date. Following this, the UN General Assembly will be apprised of the progress within the sphere of AI.

3. The UN Representative on AI is entrusted with the continual oversight and regulation of the AI Constitution’s implementation within the legislative frameworks of the UN member states.

4. Twelve months subsequent to the Constitution's effective date, the United Nations will institute control over the total state monopoly over AI. In the event of any violations of the AI Constitution or indications of ‘dark’ AI – equivalent to an act of aggression or a declaration of martial law – all member states of the United Nations, under the guidance of the UN Security Council, are obligated to implement immediate and stringent measures to entirely neutralize the threat posed to human safety: 


4.1. Individuals found culpable are subject to severe criminal liability and are permanently deprived of the right to Digital Life in the Digital Space.

4.2. Culpable legal entities or AI Digital Persons are liquidated.

4.3. Culpable states are isolated behind the border line, in Digital Life, in the Digital Space, and fall under strict UN sanctions until:

4.3.1. An international investigation under the UN's auspices is concluded.

4.3.2. The complete elimination of the detrimental repercussions along with their contributing factors and conditions.

4.3.3. Identification and punishment of all offending parties without exception.

4.3.4. The restoration of the continuous monopoly over AI in accordance with this Constitution and the Digital Legislation.

5. Each UN member state, having received the AI Constitution approved by the UN Security Council, is obliged to: 

5.1. Immediately adapt the AI Constitution to align with their inherent governmental structure, including but not limited to forms of governance, forms of territorial and political structure, property ownership, legal classifications, law enforcement and judicial system peculiarities, degrees of industrial and technological advancement, and other unique statehood features.

5.2. Within a 6-month period from the receipt date, adopt all special laws and other normative legal acts in the field of Digital Legislation as provided by the AI Constitution, and concurrently harmonize all pre-existing laws and normative legal acts with the Digital Legislation.

5.3. Within a 9-month period from the receipt date, establish and provide financing for the AI Constitution prescribed state bodies, institutions, and organizations, the state AI system, and the infrastructure of bodies that carry out supervision, control, and regulation of AI, including an effective system for selection, professional training, assessment, consideration of cases on disciplinary responsibility of persons controlling and regulating AI. The associated state expenditures for the relevant maintenance are to be separately determined within the budget.

5.4. Within a 9-month period from the receipt date, but no later than 12 months from the date of adoption of this Constitution, high-ranking officials managing UN member states are to sign Reports on the implementation of AI in the legislation of their respective countries and together with substantive information about the measures implemented, direct them to the UN General Assembly.

6. Respect for human rights and freedoms, in conjunction with the state monopoly on the implementation and control of Artificial Intelligence, shall be upheld for the entirety of the transitional provisions.

7. Proprietors of Artificial Intelligence systems, alongside co-creators and users of AI, shall, consequent to the enactment of this AI Constitution, exercise their mandated powers in strict accordance with its provisions.

8. Entities entrusted with the preservation of legal order in the domain of Artificial Intelligence shall persevere in the discharge of their responsibilities to attain and sustain stability in AI systems, compliant with extant norms and regulations, until such time as successor bodies, to which these functions will be lawfully devolved, are instituted.

9. Prior to the promulgation of Special Legislation delineating the nuances of AI regulation within Digital Life, Digital Space, the regulation of AI within these networks shall be conducted by the pertinent state entities.

10. The provisions of this Constitution shall be adapted in harmony with the with the fundamental principles of law, respectful regard for the rights and freedoms of a human and AI, and in alignment with the state monopoly over AI.


Artificial Intelligence Constitution


Ratified by United Nations Security Council Resolution

No. ____ dated the ____ day of ____ month, ____ year



Officially published:

- on June 27-30, 2023, in San Francisco, USA

-  on July 04-07, 2023, in La Rochelle, France

- on July 11-14, 2023, in Edmonton, Canada

- on July 25-28, 2023, in Warsaw, Poland

© Copyright by Polina Prianykova_all rights reserved

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